Your first visit

What to expect during your first acupuncture treatment 

The first steps back to health

Following the initial consultation which lasts approximately 60-90 minutes, I can start assessing your overall health, needs or health concerns. I strongly believe that the mind, body and spirit deserve equal attention as their interconnection influences your mental and physical health. The relevance of this of course depends on you and your condition.

 Treatments are individualised for each patient even those with the same condition. This comprehensive  and individual approach helps to achieve the best clinical results and helps support a patient's health through all levels of their healing process.

How many treatments?

This varies tremendously according to many factors, including the severity of the condition or symptoms, duration, age of the patient and the patient's general health. Some patients can begin to feel improvements straight away, for others the cumulative effects of treatment can take a few sessions to significantly improve the patient's symptoms or conditions.

A typical short course of treatments might include 6 to 12 visits at weekly intervals, so the length of time between treatments may be extended as the treatment progresses. You would expect to be aware of some improvement after 3 to 6 treatments. If there is no improvement after 6 sessions then it is unlikely further treatments will help except when dealing with very longstanding or chronic conditions.

What do acupuncture treatments involve?

The treatment itself involves the insertion of very fine, sterilised disposable needles into specific points on the body. Needles may be retained for up to 20 minutes or simply inserted and then removed. The needle sensation may vary from a tingling to a dull ache or heaviness but is rarely unacceptable.

Other techniques used may include: 
  •  Moxibustion 
  • Cupping
  • Electro acupuncture
  • Auricular (ear) acupuncture
Cupping can help to relieve tight muscles

What is cupping?

Cupping therapy is an age old Chinese practice involving the use of suction cups to stimulate a variety of health benefits. The suction may be created with the use of glass cups and a flame, or plastic cups with a suction mechanism. Cupping is often recommended for patients who feel exhausted, stressed, suffering from cold or when there is presence of toxins in the body which can be expelled with the help of cupping. It can also be useful to help relieve tight muscles.

What is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is use of the herb Moxa. It is used to provide local heat over specific points or areas of the body and is applied directly or indirectly.  It is made from the dried leaves of Artemisia Vulgaris, also known as Mugwort.
 According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the theory is that it expels Cold and Damp, smoothes the flow of Qi (life energy) and blood, removes obstructions and stagnation. This helps to prevent disease and illness and maintain good health and circulation.
Patients frequently find it beneficial in the treatment of symptoms such as pain, local or systemic, poor circulation, poor digestion/ bowels,infertility, decreased vitality or to improve general energy.

Sheila (Age 79)

"I first went to Zadi, for relief from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). Little did I know the difference Zadi would make to my well being as a whole! 

I soon learnt that the RLS was in fact coming from my lower back. As things started to improve Zadi asked if I would like some help with another condition that I had become simply resigned to - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) which was affecting my lungs.

 Well this year, as severe as the winter has been, there has been an improvement in my lung capacity. It’s astounding because by this time of the year I would have been on at least my second or third course of antibiotics. As severe as the winter has been this year, I have only had to have one course. On top of that RLS is almost a memory.

I can only give Zadi 5 stars, as he has not just improved life for me. While I was receiving treatment my husband Harry also aged 79 was suffering badly with arthritic hands. This for a lawn green bowler was a tragedy! After just four sessions he was much improved and now is back on the green living a rewarding life again.

I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Zadi."

Natasha (Age 40)

"I have received treatment from Zadi for a number of years.

When I first began treatment I was clinically depressed, in a desperate state and with such an overwhelming sense of despair that I struggled to see how I could ever recover.

Close friends and family were urging me to try anti-depressants and I strongly resisted believing that this was not the way forward for me.

Within 3 months of beginning treatment I noticed an improvement in my sleeping, appetite and moods. Within 6 months I was really feeling a lot better, and within a year I had recovered from my acute depression and was on the way to re-building my life.

I continued to go for acupuncture for several years and I continued to notice the great benefits. I never seemed to get ill when everyone else around me had colds, flu and viruses. I had renewed energy and my depression has never returned.

 In addition to all of this I gained considerable mobility in my left arm, which had been left partly impaired following a bone disease in my youth and after a serious break.

I believe Zadi to have an extraordinary talent and I cannot recommend him highly enough. Whatever your views on acupuncture you should try it because for many people I believe it can be a wonderful alternative to conventional medicine with benefits far beyond what you might imagine."

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If you would like to find out more about what your first visit may involve call 
To book an appointment today.
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