What to expect during your first acupuncture treatment

The first steps back to health
Following the initial consultation which lasts approximately 60-90 minutes, I can start assessing your overall health, needs or health concerns. I strongly believe that the mind, body and spirit deserve equal attention as their interconnection influences your mental and physical health. The relevance of this of course depends on you and your condition.
Treatments are individualised for each patient even those with the same condition. This comprehensive and individual approach helps to achieve the best clinical results and helps support a patient’s health through all levels of their healing process.
The first steps back to health
Following the initial consultation which lasts approximately 60-90 minutes, I can start assessing your overall health, needs or health concerns. I strongly believe that the mind, body and spirit deserve equal attention as their interconnection influences your mental and physical health. The relevance of this of course depends on you and your condition.
Treatments are individualised for each patient even those with the same condition. This comprehensive and individual approach helps to achieve the best clinical results and helps support a patient’s health through all levels of their healing process.
What do acupuncture treatments involve?
The treatment itself involves the insertion of very fine, sterilised disposable needles into specific points on the body. Needles may be retained for up to 20 minutes or simply inserted and then removed. The needle sensation may vary from a tingling to a dull ache or heaviness but is rarely unacceptable.
Other techniques used may include:
Electro acupuncture
Auricular (ear) acupuncture

What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is use of the herb Moxa. It is used to provide local heat over specific points or areas of the body and is applied directly or indirectly. It is made from the dried leaves of Artemisia Vulgaris, also known as Mugwort.
According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the theory is that it expels Cold and Damp, smoothes the flow of Qi (life energy) and blood, removes obstructions and stagnation. This helps to prevent disease and illness and maintain good health and circulation.
Patients frequently find it beneficial in the treatment of symptoms such as pain, local or systemic, poor circulation, poor digestion/ bowels,infertility, decreased vitality or to improve general energy.